ACTIVATE by Leadology

ACTIVATE by Leadology

Human Resources Services

New York, New York 167 followers

Transforming overwhelmed managers into influential communicators

About us

Activate is Leadology's influential communication program for busy managers. Transformation happens in 3 phases: Phase 1 - Identify Gain an increased sense of self-awareness with Discover Strengths, Develop Mindset, and Receive Feedback. Phase 2 - Influence Improve the impact you have on your team by having quality conversations with Give Feedback, Connect 1-on-1, and Delegate Tasks. Phase 3 - Inspire Motivate your team through the day-to-day challenges with Navigating Change, Difficult Conversations, and Coach to Empower.

Human Resources Services
Company size
2-10 employees
New York, New York


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    3 Things We've Learned from our Activate Cohorts ⬇ (that can help your leaders become effective managers, too) 1️⃣ Shifting Their Thinking How often do we catch ourselves hyper-fixated on what we could be doing to be better leaders for our teams? With Activate, we’ve witnessed managers shift from “me” to “them” thinking, in that they’re inherently stepping up their leadership game by redirecting focus to address employee needs. Inside Activate, we provide specific scripts for 1:1 conversations that take the burden off of managers, create connection between managers and employees, and allow for less overthinking and more ease and connection. 2️⃣ Real-Play not Role-Play According to Gallup, only 10% of managers are inherently “born to lead,” but we know from experience that with the right development opportunities and environments to work those management muscles, anyone can grow into an effective leader. And no, this doesn’t equate to role-playing conversations or group discussions about leadership theory — managers are hungry to practice real-life scenarios, and that's exactly what we do. In Activate, managers get to map out real conversations with fellow cohort members and Activate leader Carrie, allowing them to shake off any sense of self-consciousness and build confidence for the real thing. 3️⃣ The Right Frameworks Add Ease Defined processes bring ease. When managers are equipped with a system to support their leadership goals—such as having approaches to delegation and giving effective feedback—it lightens their mental load. Activate is all about going beyond theory and providing real-world frameworks, scripts, and scenarios that managers can immediately apply to their day-to-day roles. Head to the link today to learn more about how Activate can help your organization benefit from strengthened leaders at any level!

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    51% of employees are actively looking for work or watching job boards 🤯 We know that people are more likely to leave their jobs when their opportunities for learning, development, and career advancements are limited. Traditionally, if workplaces wanted to give employees a 'learning and development opportunity', they booked a half or full-day retreat once or twice a year. But what happens after these retreats? Employees head back to the office, and dive right back into the work they were doing before, falling back into old habits. As well-intentioned as they are, off-sites like this don't typically see long-lasting results. So what DOES have long-lasting results? Cohort-Based Learning (when a group comes together and participates in a series of courses), including HIVE learning methods (HIVE stands for High Impact Virtual Experiences). HIVE learning takes the old-school, long workshop and breaks it down into smaller, more engaged learning moments. It is all about taking the time to focus on individual learning, and then come together for a robust discussion, coaching, Q&A, and committing to apply these things on the job. The chances of someone applying the skills they learned back on the job after a HIVE experience versus a traditional workshop increases by 62%! The evidence behind this blended approach is exactly why we created Activate– one of our premier programs that features self-paced individual learning as well as a group coaching component. This way, people can benefit from the agency and connection accessible through this learning model and are supported as they bring their new skills to the workplace. Our next Activate cohort begins in January. If you'd like to learn more and discover if Activate is the thing your managers have been missing, book a call today:

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    Life is Short. Delegate 👇🏻 Imagine if you could confidently delegate to your team. What would you do with all that extra time? 🤩 Imagine handing your work off to your direct report...and they are actually thankful! You’re less stressed. They’re empowered. And the work is done well! There are two important things you need to realize in order to delegate well: 1️⃣ Being self-aware enough to recognize how much we might benefit from delegation is step one. 2️⃣ Overcoming nagging doubts is second (Will they get the job done as well as I do? What if they mess up and I get the blame? What if they do it better than me?) Delegating doesn't only help free up space in your brain (and on your to-do list); it’s also a fantastic way to develop and demonstrate confidence and trust within your team. So, how do you actually delegate and become a more effective manager? Here are four tips from Leadology: ✅ Communicate Your Why ✅ Clarify the Expectations ✅ Check-in Effectively ✅ Debrief If you're ready to start delegating, developing, and activating the best of yourself and your team, book a call today and learn all about Activate, our Effective Manager training program which includes live trainings, and where Leadology will be personally coaching you on the tactics and scripts to help support you in developing your team both now and in the future. Get started today:

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    Have you ever had any of these difficult conversations? 👇🏻 ➡Delivering unpleasant or bad news ➡Discussing delicate (and often emotional) topics ➡Impending changes, or, ➡Discussing something that went wrong, poor performance, and other performance issues Most of us will do just about anything to avoid difficult conversations and (especially) conflict. But whether we like it or not, conflict is bound to come up at work - and probably on a regular basis. The secret to navigating conflict, however, is to harness its power. Healthy debates and even heated arguments can be the sign of a strong, successful team. While people may have different views, they are united in seeking out the truth. Difficult conversations of any kind can have a similar outcome. Managers must ask themselves: "What would be the best outcome for both myself and the employee involved?" Understanding the ideal outcome for both parties at the end of the conversation is important, and communicating that positive intent as well as clearly describing their own desired outcome is key. It's all easier said than done, unfortunately. And it's not just the actual having of the conversation - managers need to understand how to manage different reactions, too. At Leadology, we understand that! Repetition is important to building any new skill set. With Activate, managers receive plenty of practical practice, plus toolkits and frameworks for handling the toughest conversations and conflicts. Our next cohort of Activate starts this January. If you're ready to give your managers the gift of confident conversations, book a call today:

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    Did you know this about your team? 👇🏻 They WANT to know how they're doing! 🤔 Was that good? 🤔 Did I do well? 🤔 How could I have improved my performance? Feedback is more important than ever, as employees want to know how they can progress in their career and what opportunities are available to them. Plus - feedback is incredibly important for keeping your team engaged. 1️⃣ According to Gallup, when employees received "meaningful feedback" in the past week, they were almost four times more likely than other employees to be engaged. 👉🏻The keyword here is meaningful. Meaningful feedback is the kind that helps individuals learn, grow, and do their jobs better. Be sure to ask each individual what that means to them - "meaningful" can be different for each team member! 2️⃣ A review once a year isn't enough to let employees know if they're on the right track. Managers need to feel confident and comfortable giving feedback quickly and regularly, so employees are empowered to make decisions on the fly, are more motivated to do their work, and are more likely to stick around. If your managers are not yet giving feedback that is future-oriented, focused, and frequent, programs like Leadology's Activate can help empower them to not only share effective, meaningful feedback, but also to delegate, connect, and address difficult conversations. Our next cohort begins in January. Book a call to learn more if you're ready to stop letting ineffective communication hold back your managers: #effectivemanagement #employeefeedback

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    'Tis the season... ❄️☃️🎄 .... to squeeze in extra work .... to go to a million holiday parties .... to (try) to take time off The holidays are supposed to be a happy, joyful time with family and friends, to take time away from work, and to rest and recharge - heading into the New Year full of energy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, according to a 2021 study by telehealth provider Sesame (, 3 in 5 Americans feel their mental health is negatively impacted by the holidays, with 60% reporting an increase in anxiety and 52% feeling an increase in depression compared to the holiday season before. It's likely because we're often: 😩 Working overtime (to 'justify' the time off or meet last-minute deadlines) 😩 Answering emails at all hours of the day and night (even though our Out of Office is clearly ON) 😩 Busy volunteering to help plan that office party (because no one else wants to) And managers are just as stressed out and overwhelmed as you are - so you can bet they're passing it on to their teams, too. What can you do about it? 👉🏻 Model Boundary Setting 👈🏻 Managers often believe that increased responsibility and pressure means their ability to set proper boundaries around work is somehow revoked. As an HR Leader you need to demonstrate that the opposite is true. When you, as a workplace leader, begin to set good examples of boundary-setting for your managers and their teams, you'll find that it will increase work-life balance and employee satisfaction across the board. So much of this work begins with a solid foundation of effective communication and emotional intelligence skills, tools that countless workplace leaders will use to their advantage this holiday season thanks to professional development resources like Activate. Activate is our influential communication program for managers, that builds trust, engagement, and stronger cultures through meaningful conversations. It's a 12-week learning journey and our next cohort begins in January. Book a call to see if it's right for you and your managers:

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    Now that we've covered what makes Strong Teams so powerful, you might be wondering: "How do I get my teams to be so strong and resilient?" "How do I create a team that's full of superstars?" The answer is simple: 👉🏻 Effective Managers. If your Managers don't have the proper training and skills, you're probably noticing that they are: ⛔ Struggling to delegate or share feedback with their teams without feeling punitive ⛔ Unaware of how to build a culture of accountability among employees ⛔ Procrastinating or avoiding problems with their team ⛔ Experiencing waning productivity, yet their (and their teams) to-do lists are longer than ever ⛔ Having difficulties surrounding expectations, decision-making, and performance However, when they DO have the proper training and skills to be Effective Managers, you'll notice they are able to: ✔ Identify how a strong sense of self + strengths leads to a growth mindset and the ability to deliver constructive feedback ✔ Inspire their team to connect and delegate tasks more effectively ✔ Influence employees by navigating change and addressing difficult conversations with ease Leadology can help you get your Managers there with Activate, our influential communication program for Managers to help them boost their team's productivity, performance, and engagement. Our next cohort starts in January so that you can set your Managers (and their teams) up for success in 2024. Learn more and book a call to see if it's right for your managers:

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    FAILURE IS A KEY INGREDIENT for... ⁠ 🌱 Growth⁠ 📚 Learning⁠ 🧠 Psychological Safety ⁠ ⁠ According to Amy Edmonson, who coined the term "psychological safety", we should re-frame failure as "the natural by-product of experimentation; a way for effective performers to produce, learn from and share the lessons from intelligent failures; a way to promote fast learning and innovation."⁠ ⁠ Let us know in the comments if you're ready for more experimentation and intelligent failures in your life. #activate #psychologicalsafety #intelligentfailures

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    HR leaders are feeling the pressure. With the rapidly changing landscape of work within the last few years, HR leaders bear the brunt of the responsibility to build new strategies for the future of work. As an HR leader, you’re probably constantly thinking about… → How to keep engagement up and combat quiet quitting → Ways to drive performance to achieve your organization’s goals → How to build and scale culture in the era of hybrid work These problems rely heavily on you to keep showing up as a leader, as a coach, and sometimes even as the boss.  But… if managers are the culture driver of organizations (they are), and account for 70% of engagement (they do), then investing in your managers and bringing them into your people strategies will have a ripple effect throughout your organization.  Let’s chat on November 1st at our next Leadology Roundtable about how to go about bringing in this small mindset change and making managers the key to your HR strategy. You’ll have the chance to connect with other HR leaders and L&D enthusiasts, ask the questions that are top of mind, and walk away with immediately useful tips for how to better equip your managers for success. Here are the details 👇🏻 Leadology Roundtable  A free virtual strategy session for L&D enthusiasts and HR leaders.  Wednesday, November 1st at 12pm ET  Register Here: The roundtable will take place over Zoom. Those RSVP'd will receive a Zoom link by email before the event. And, we would love to hear what your #1 priority is as an HR leader right now. Let us know in the comments! 👇🏻 #getleadology #hrleaders #organizationalculture #effectivemanagers

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    95% of HR Leaders Say It’s Too Much Work 🤯 📅  Save the Date: Leadology Roundtable November 1 📅  Our last roundtable brought about productive conversations between HR leaders and other L&D enthusiasts, but there’s still so much left to talk about! Let’s continue the conversation around manager effectiveness, and the impact it can have on both your organization and YOU as an HR leader in our upcoming roundtable on Wednesday, November 1st. Because here’s the thing… a recent report from found that 95% of HR leaders say working in HR is simply too much work and stress. Yikes!  What’s in it for you: Peer-to-peer support: Chat with like-minded HR or L&D leaders with similar challenges, struggles, and strategies Get strategic about using managers to deliver your people strategy Immediately useful tips that can inspire ease within your work Leadology Roundtable  A free virtual strategy session for L&D enthusiasts and HR leaders.  Wednesday, November 1 at 12pm EST RSVP here: When you register, we’ll send you the Zoom details to join. If you are one of those 95% of HR leaders who is stressed out and juggling too much, what is the one area where having managers' support could make a difference? Let us know in the comments 👇🏻 #getleadology #managereffectiveness #hrleaders

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